
Scammer NewfieLexii 💩💩💩💩💩💩  

User Profile: LiamKing Gender: Male Age: 34 Location: Corner Brook I am a: Female Escort Date: 03-09-2025, 04:56 AM Positing ID:71793 Last Active: 18 Hours ago  

Well known scammer on this site.
Posted many times in the scammer section using different names .
Sam Gaulton












Why isn't she banned from the site?

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Jakexxx 4 Days ago
I never had any problems with her, one of the best bjs I’ve ever received lol
NewfieLexii 4 Days ago
Thank you. I did not scam this perosn I don't even know who are they
NewfieLexii 4 Days ago
If you wanna another bj you just let me know handsome;) hehhe
NewfieLexii 18 Hours ago
So when are you gonna post your proof you big fat stalker phony

NewfieLexii 4 Days ago
Boy how did I scam you when I don't even know who you are you have never msged msged me. And how did you get a pic of my face or even know my real name unless your someone who just has a vendetta against me for no reason take your bullshit lies elsewhrrw
NewfieLexii 18 Hours ago
Please stop stalking me and leave me alone. If you have proof post it if not stop attacking me and lieing on my name everytime you get blocked and make a new account.

NewfieLexii 4 Days ago
LiamKing you have never mzgrd me before so please enlighten me on how I scammed you. I have lots of love to vouch for me and every sceeenshot of Me sending what people paid for. I contacted admin with all proof plus I don't give out Real name or face pics so obviously your just someone who had vendetta against me in perosn for me calling you out for something you did. Dont ruin my reputation just because your a bad petosn thank you

NewfieLexii 4 Days ago
Also every scam that was posted was commented on how I haven't scammed anyone LOL so give up your making yourself look stupid its kinda funny.

NewfieLexii 4 Days ago
Also people buy from my nldtconnect account which you cannot scam people there. Idk who you are but cut the crap LOL

LiamKing 3 Days ago
You've never scammed any one on the site? Lol what a joke. You're in the scammer section more than any one on the site lol liar and a thief 🤣
NewfieLexii 3 Days ago
None of them are even me and you are the one posting me over and over in the scmamer section you retard LOL
LiamKing 3 Days ago
Crack head
NewfieLexii 3 Days ago
Awh someone's mad cause I called them out. Poor baby. Cry harder. Hahahaha
NewfieLexii 23 Hours ago
Where's your proof other then yourself only making multiple posts about me in scammers sectioned which I now have confirmation that it was you who posted every one. And tell that to those on here speaking on my behalf on how they seen me and I was great and haven't scammed them. Thank you my love you posting this actually gave me more clients so thank you :)

AronB 23 Hours ago
I have seen her twice, great bj and reasonably priced. Will certainly see her again when in the area.
NewfieLexii 23 Hours ago
Thank you sweetness I try my best to please my clients. Idk why this one guy keeps trying to ruin business for me over and over maybe I declined him for being rude as I have with others. But I'll be ready and awaiting to please you whenever you are in the area again. Xoxo

LiamKing 22 Hours ago
Are you saying the admin told you that I posted all the scammer posts about you? Lol
That's bullshit.
Hey admin , how many complaints have you got about this scammer?
LiamKing 22 Hours ago
I guess the court dockets lie too lol
NewfieLexii 21 Hours ago
The court docket where my charges were dropped? Absolutely LOL I have personally talked to the admin yes. He's the one who pays me on my nldtconnect site where people pay for my content. Again where is your proof that I scammed you. Post that instesd of posting bullshit. Court dockets of charges that were dropped over 2 years ago doesn't say anything about me as a person. All it proves is that I was accused of doing something which in the end I was proved innocent. Just like you are still accusing me of something I apparently did to you 2 years ago which I have proved yet again to be innocent by my own clients who have been commenting how I have been nothing but good to them. So please grow up. I surely have. Xoxox thanks for giving me for engagement sweetheart respect it

NewfieLexii 20 Hours ago
All I see is a loser who is wrongly accusing me and cant even prove or back up his own words. But yet I and other people have backed up my own words. It's not looking too good for you. But its definitely giving me more clients having people back me up on your lies

NewfieLexii 20 Hours ago
This proving you wrong was fun while it lasted but unlike you I have a life. So you have yourself the day you deserve. U showed yourself what a big loser you are I didn't didn't have to do anything congrats hahahahaha
NewfieLexii 20 Hours ago
And stop being so obsessed with me it's been 2 years thats called stalking.
NewfieLexii 20 Hours ago
And stop being so obsessed with me it's been 2 years thats called stalking.

NewfieLexii 20 Hours ago
Just posted a warning to ladies to watch out for you stalker
LiamKing 19 Hours ago
Your warning post says you have messages from me 2 years ago? But earlier in your post here, you said I have never messaged you lol can't keep track of your own lies lol
NewfieLexii 18 Hours ago
You never msged me on this account no you said yourself it's a new one. LOL give up dony be stupid you haven't messaged me on this account no your right but as you admitted you msged me on others.
NewfieLexii 18 Hours ago
Dont be dumb I got the screenshot of me saying to you that you've never msged me before and you saying "duh new account"
NewfieLexii 18 Hours ago
Soo come on phony stalker post your proof wrre all waiting or you gonna keep up this charade of lies and obsessive behavior. LOL. Proving you wrong over and over has been fun for me but your a bit obsessive it's overkill

NewfieLexii 18 Hours ago
I love being right. Thanks to you being a imbecile I have more support from people against you then ever before. I'd be careful if I were you. It's been a pleasure. It be nice if you had proof like I do but sadly for you there is no proof that I've ever done you wrong.

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