

User Profile: Rohit034 Gender: Male Age: 22 Location: St. Johns I am a: Others Date: 06-23-2024, 11:23 AM Positing ID:61901 Last Active: 2 Days ago  

This Lady is A scammer Don’t go to place she ask you to come(107 bay bulls road) . She’ll go outside when you’ll be in room and then a guy will come and act like she’s been arrested. By that time your money will be gone.

Now she’s saying I was aggressive and rude to her , I never touched her or anything she’s just making up things after stealing my 140$ wow. Crackhead thinks people gonna believe her

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DirkDiggler 77 Days ago
Yeah shes a crackhead. Always has been a scammer.
Rohit034 77 Days ago
Yeah then she text you-“ I’m his man and she’s arrested “.
Justina20 77 Days ago
What the actual fuck ..

Docjones 77 Days ago
Lol don't go see anyone that advertises on this site. 90 percent is a scam
Rohit034 77 Days ago
Yeah I think same now. Do you know any other place to not get scammed
709wentsouth 77 Days ago
She went legit for awhile after she left hush. Then went deep into the drugs and the rest is history. Go see her at the loss of your $$$$.
NA 77 Days ago
Says the guy with an account on here 🤣🤣

709wentsouth 77 Days ago
Posts this on the scammer section.
Justina20 77 Days ago
Just because you aren't Canadian... I am not racist but I gave you Multiple chances to stop being so rough with me !!! After the fourth attempt YES OF COURSE I WALKED OUT !!

Andre1999 77 Days ago
This scammed me out of $140 on Merry meeting road in 2023. Stupid crack heads, better pay more n go to hush
NA 77 Days ago
Which one is lying

Rohit034 76 Days ago
Hey you who you’re saying to get rough with you I just met you for first time and I didn’t even touched you you liar I was waiting at your door and you never came back so I left and then I saw a guy going toward your house and you texted me that I’m his man she got arrested. Don’t lie you crackhead scammer

NA 75 Days ago
Absolute crack and smack head. She was arrested for robbing someone and got locked up. Look up "C.B.S. woman planned beating, robbery of "friend" for drugs" picture and name checks out.


Justina20 40 Days ago
Are you fucking kidding me ???

Justina20 40 Days ago
You were actually asked many times to stop being so god damn rough !! And now your sooky about it and trying to tarnish my name ??

Bpmman 39 Days ago
I had an excellent time with her July 29 at the Sandman. I paid for her uber to and from my location. This was our first time meeting so of course she brought protection. He waited outside once she knew I wasnt an asshole. We were honest with each other, open communication with what I wanted to do to her and what she wanted in return. She let me go a little further and I gave her a tip on top of what we discussed. At no point did I feel threatened or uncomfortable. She was amazing and gets 5 gold stars from me! I cant wait til the next time I'm in town.
Rohit034 37 Days ago
Another Fake Review of a scammer. Go fcuk yourself scammer

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