

User Profile: thov9911 Gender: Male Age: 33 Location: St. Johns I am a: Man Seeking a Women Date: 06-16-2024, 01:17 PM Positing ID:61613 Last Active: 2 Days ago  

This lady is a charm and delight to talk to. As well as sext. Will be doing more of that in the future. She is quite the sponge for information and quick to respond.

Robert687 84 Days ago
I had a terrible experience with this lady

MorningWood 84 Days ago
Two reviews hours apart from basically new accounts. Sorry, but this gets a big yawn from me. And a call out on being highly suspicious especially when combined with the reply from Robert ๐Ÿค”
Robert687 84 Days ago
Yea there is something up and just for the record you never tried to apologize to me lol
LuvsIt 82 Days ago
Yup. Obviously SP generated self reviews.

sexybabe 84 Days ago
Thank you sweetheart for your kind words anytime you want to chat or have sexting or video chat let me know xoxo ๐Ÿ˜
sexybabe 84 Days ago
I accidentally logged out of my Snapchat and forget my password lol so I had to make up a new account new Snapchat is sexybabe_25babe

sexybabe 82 Days ago
now offering in person meets check out my ad to see what Iโ€™m all about ๐Ÿ˜Š

HotRod 81 Days ago
I haven't had the pleasure yet, gentlemen... but when I do, I'll be glad to post a review. In the meantime, she has the blue check and the 100% verified stamp, which means she's already been screened and approved by admin. If you've had a less than favorable experience, then by all means, feel free to post. After all, your mileage may vary from one provider to another, and different people may have different opinions about the service THEY receive from a specific provider. However, unless you know for sure, I'd really appreciate it if any "speculative" accusations be kept out of these chats. All this does is plant seeds of doubt that are not warranted. Thanks!
MorningWood 80 Days ago
I am not questioning the verified sp. I am questioning the reviewers who are not verified and appear to be posting from new accounts and for the first time. The same for the comments on her posts. I and others have questioned those types of reviews for years. Doesnโ€™t mean we are right every time. But in this case saying they look suspicious is an accurate statement. No retraction needed. Having clarified that, I will add that if a reviewer is verified, I certainly wouldnโ€™t consider it suspicious. I might even say thanks for the review. As I genuinely do appreciate reviews from those well established accounts or posters, especially the ones with reputations for giving fair and honest reviews. Cheers!
MorningWood 80 Days ago
One last comment and then the defense will rest haha. I and others also call out suspicious negative reviews that come from new unverified accounts and appear designed to hurt a legit spโ€™s business. Essentially I think I am pretty fair and balanced with my posts and comments on here.

Peter12345 80 Days ago
I'll share my experience, as it may shed some more light on the situation (or not!). I did add this lady on Snapchat, and we chatted some. She proceeded to send me multiple pics (free of charge and pics I didn't request) and asked me to leave her a positive review for the free pics. I declined to leave a review as I had nothing to review other than the fact that she had sent me some pics. Once I had left the review, the instruction was that I let her know ASAP, so she could check it out. I imagine others have received pics too, and asked to leave a review. Once I declined to leave the review, she disappeared from my snapchat.
sexybabe 80 Days ago
Peter 12345 As for me disappearing out of your list well, I have a new Snapchat lost all my contacts because I accidentally logged out. I forgot my password so I had to make up a new Snapchat. I sent you an invite to my new Snapchat ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜
sexybabe 80 Days ago
Peter 12345 as for sending you free pictures was me just being kind I really like you and wanted to keep chatting so I sent you some pictures and as for asking you for a review, I was talking to one of The service providers and asked for pointers on how to make my reputation better and was told to ask people that had good experiences with me for review ๐Ÿ˜Š I mean, Iโ€™m only doing what people suggest and then I still end up getting talked down on because I took someones tips on what to do ๐Ÿ˜•
Peter12345 80 Days ago
I wasn't criticizing you - you do what you want. I was just explaining here that indeed you are a legit person, and maybe some of your recent reviews are because of this. You take care and good luck.
sexybabe 80 Days ago
Ok thank you Peter 12345 I just wanted to let you know why I disappeared out of your Snapchat ๐Ÿ˜Š

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